Bourgeat is engaged in the fight against plastic pollution with the Zero Waste program .

Zéro déchet

Since 2016, the South Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region has been committed to a strong policy of combating this pollution through its “zero plastic waste in the Mediterranean” program as part of its “Une Cop d’avance” regional climate plan. This regional program aims to both protect natural environments and promote plastic recycling.

Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Agence Régionale pour la Biodiversité et l’Environnement (ARBE)

Within this context, the South Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region is proposing a “Zero Plastic Waste” commitment charter, the operation of which has been entrusted to the Regional Agency for Biodiversity and the Environment (ARBE) since April 2019.

Bourgeat joins the 340 signatories of the “Zero Plastic Waste” program in proposing a solution to plastic waste with its innovative SESAME stainless steel GN pan and lid.

The unit is easy to seal and entirely reusable, making it an ideal replacement for single-use containers in the kitchen, ensuring food safety and meeting all regulatory requirements.

Discover the SESAME range


Chariot évacuation des déchets


L’évacuation des sacs-poubelle entre les lieux de remplissage (débarrassage, salle, cuisine…) et les