Boréale display cabinets for whetting appetites in a shopping and take-away section in a top Parisian hotel – Matfer Bourgeat

Vitrine Boréale - Matfer Bourgeat

Boréale display cabinets for whetting appetites in a shopping and take-away section in a top Parisian hotel – Matfer Bourgeat

Are you familiar with “shops-in-shops”?

Lobbies are often cold and impersonal places, used solely as places where guests pass through on their way to and from reception. However, guests would be delighted to find eating facilities there.

The solution?

“Shop-in-shop,” a way to offer a fast dining service that is pleasant, practical and available at all times of day.

Vitrine Boréale - Matfer Bourgeat

A designer, personalised catering facility

This top Parisian hotel has fully understood the concept of tuning into the demands of the times and spaces that combine a catering service and a meeting or co-working area…a place that successfully meets the needs of clients and new uses!

Vitrine Boréale - Matfer Bourgeat
To enhance the appeal of its new “Mayo” shop-in-shop concept, the hotel decided to install Boréale display cabinets and fitted the first-ever Australe heated display, ensuring excellent design and performance all round.
Vitrine Boréale - Matfer Bourgeat

Project undertaken in Paris by Matfer Bourgeat Food Serving.


Chariot évacuation des déchets


L’évacuation des sacs-poubelle entre les lieux de remplissage (débarrassage, salle, cuisine…) et les