Ingredients to make a strawberry basket
Hazelnut dacquoise
156 g Egg whites
69 g Granulated sugar
69 g Ground almonds
140 g Ground hazelnuts
108 g Powdered sugar
26 g Flour

Start by making the hazelnut dacquoise.
Make French meringue with the egg whites and granulated sugar.
Combine the remaining dry ingredients and gently fold into the meringue using a rubber spatula.

Spread onto a baking sheet lined with silicon paper and bake for 12 minutes at 180°C (360°F).
Once baked, cool on a rack.
Cut two rectangles inside the baked dacquoise.
Whipped Bourbon vanilla ganache
90 g Whipping cream 35% fat.
1 Vanilla pod
3 g Powdered beef gelatin
16 g Water
90 g White couverture chocolate
196 g Whipping cream 35% fat
Heat the whipping cream with the vanilla pod ; add the gelatin / water mixed together and pour onto the white couverture chocolate.
Allow to cook to 20°C (68°F) then add the 196 g cold whipping cream.
The following day, whip in a stand mixer.

Commencez par réaliser un biscuit dacquoise à la noisette.
Faites une meringue française : montez les blancs d’œufs en neige et incorporez progressivement le sucre cristal et la poudre de noisettes brutes.
Mélangez délicatement à l’aide d’une maryse.

Chef’s tip
Leave to rest for 24 hours for a Chantilly cream like texture and it will be a little firmer.
The following day, whip in a stand mixer.

Take a first dacquoise rectangle and pipe all around it with the whipped Bourbon vanilla ganache.
You can also pipe a little of the ganache inside the rectangle.

Cover this with the second dacquoise rectangle.
Spread a thin layer (about 3 mm) of whipped Bourbon vanilla ganache over this.

Cut strawberries in 2 and place them side by side over the entire rectangle.
Chocolate basket

Use a cardboard pattern to cut your basket shapes.
Using a mixture of chocolate, cocoa butter and unsweetened cocoa powder, give a wooden look to your basket.

Stick all the parts together using a paper cone filled with caramelized white chocolate.
assembly and Finish

Add a few small eggs and some chocolate molds as decorations to give it a little springtime and Easter feel.

You can also find on the site Vincent Guerlais recipes for the Gorilla as well as for the new-style Mendiant Egg and the Raspberry Entremets.