Duck liver parfait with elder flower gelée by chef JOHNNY BESCH

Ingredients :

Duck Liver Parfait
Duck Livers, Fresh 500g
Shallot 10g
Garlic 10g
Butter 150g
Cream 230g
Eggs 5 ea.
Salt 7g
Cognac 30g
TCM 2g

Elderflower Gelee
Elderflower Liqueur 100g
Ver Jus Blanc 50g
Sheet Gelatin 4.5g

Huckleberry Pickle
Costal Huckleberry 200g
Red Wine Vinegar 200g
Eau 130g
Sugar, Granulated 70g
Juniper Nerry, Dry 50g

Duck Liver Parfait :

Sauté shallot and garlic, set aside to cool perfectly. Scale out remaining ingredients, melt butter.

Combine in vita prep. Puree on high 30-45 seconds. Pass mixture through a chinois.

Fill glass jars with 100g of liver base.

In a hot water bath steam/bake at 150°C for 25-30 minutes until pate is set slightly firm. The mixture will soufflé and have a slight bounce.

Elderflower Gelee :

Combine Elderflower liquor and Ver Jus in a small sauce pot and warm up to 90°C. In a small container pour cold water over gelatin sheets to hydrate. Once hydrated remove from cold water and whisk into warm Elderflower mixture. Pour over perfectly chilled duck liver parfait and place in walk-in box to set firm.

Huckleberry Pickle :

Make a sachet out of Dry Juniper with cheese cloth. In a small sauce pot combine vinegar, sugar, water and juniper sachet. Bring pickle up to 100°C and cool down before pouring over fresh huckleberry. Place pickled huckleberry’s in a airtight container and refrigerate for 24 hours before use.


Chariot évacuation des déchets


L’évacuation des sacs-poubelle entre les lieux de remplissage (débarrassage, salle, cuisine…) et les