Tailor-made self-service array for Clearstream Bank, Luxembourg

With its status and experience as a specialist in catering and professional kitchen equipment, Matfer Bourgeat has designed a tailor-made self-service array for the Clearstream Luxembourg bank.

A self-service array with sophisticated, clean lines
Matfer Bourgeat teams had a two-fold objective when designing this self-service array: To create a friendly, high-end restaurant environment that showcases the dishes offered, stirring the appetite and serving culinary delights in perfect harmony with the calibre of Clearstream bank.

The choice therefore rested on perfectly transparent glass frontage imprinted with a clean, sophisticated design. The clear transparency offers the perfect showcasing for the dishes which are clearly visible, also thanks to LED lighting (at least IRC 85, 1,000 lumens per metre) designed to rouse the appetite!

Technical performance and user comfort
With a view to facilitating the work of catering professionals at Clearstream Bank, Matfer Bourgeat has developed a tailor-made work station array. Its consideration for work comfort is specifically conveyed through an ergonomic study done for each work station.

The technical performance of the self-service array is remarkable owing to the fact that it is equipped with the new Air System and Puls’Air System. These systems ensure absolute adherence to the various food hygiene standards as well as the optimal control of temperatures, whether this applies to cold starters, fresh salads, hot dishes, or desserts.

A self-service array underpinned by an eco-friendly approach
The design of this tailor-made self-service array by Matfer Bourgeat is based on an eco-friendly approach. Thus the device is equipped with a “recirculated air” bain-marie to ensure energy savings of up to 40%!
In fact, the heated air is better preserved in the trough, making it easier to heat the already heated air than to heat the air that escapes the trough.

The layout of the self-service restaurant at the Clearstream Bank in Luxembourg is a shining example of the tailor-made self-service design offering conceived by Matfer Bourgeat: a self-service array in which each component has been specially considered to meet the specific needs of each case. Ergonomic in terms of size, a clear visual identity, working comfort: these elements are all specially adapted to meet specific requirements. The Matfer Bourgeat’s factory capacity has also been a critical factor in allowing Clearstream to be the only entity in the world to be able to install up to 30 metres of self-service amenities in the factory to allow for pre-delivery.

Project undertaken in Luxembourg by Matfer Bourgeat Meal Distribution Service