Recipe for 12 individual cakes
Shortbread dough
200g Butter
250g All-purpose flour T55
110g Powdered sugar
16g Egg yolks
1/2 Lemon peel
1/2 Orange peel
2g Fleur de sel
1/2 Vanilla bean

Mix together the softened butter with the scraped seeds from the vanilla bean, orange and lemon peel, and fleur de sel. Incorporate the flour and egg yolks. Refrigerate. Roll out to 3 mm thick, cut 8 cm pieces and bake on a silpain at 160 °C (320°F).Seal with mycryo as soon as removed from the oven.
Jasmin tea Trocadero
480g Tant pour tant (50% ground almonds/50% powdered sugar)
9g Jasmin tea
20g Starch
120g Grated coconut
60g Egg whites
240g Eggs
170g Butter, melted
75g Egg whites
30g Sugar

In a food processor mix together the ground almonds, powdered sugar and starch. Add the ground tea, egg whites and eggs.

Without mixing, add the grated coconut. Beat the egg whites and meringue with the sugar.

Fold into the first mass and incorporate the melted butter.

Raspberry and pink grapefruit marmalade
200g Pink grapefruit
125g Raspberry purée
25g Lime juice
50g Sugar
5.5g Pectin NH 325
½ Vanilla bean

Grind together the grapefruit segments with the raspberry purée.

Add the seeds scraped from the vanilla bean. Mix together the sugar, pectin and xanthan, add to the mixture at 40°C and bring to a boil. Cool and mix before using. Use a 6mm pastry tip and pipe 18g per biscuit.

Jasmin tea cream
257g Whipping cream
1g Damman Jasmin tea powder
55g Egg yolks
55g Sugar
10g Powdered gelatin
70g Water
643g Whipping cream
12g Damman Jasmin tea

Heat the cream, add the jasmin, infuse 5 minutes. Strain the cream and top up with cream to obtain the initial weight of cream. Cook the cream with the egg yolks, sugar and tea powder to 85°C. Pour over the bloomed gelatin and cool to 35°C.

Add the whipped cream, pipe 40g per 8cm flexipan strips.

Whipped ivory ganache
150g Whole milk
100g Coconut purée
1 Vanilla bean
374g White couverture chocolate Opalys
390g Whipping cream
2g Powdered gelatin
14g Water

Heat together the milk, coconut purée and the vanilla. Add the bloomed gelatin and pour onto the chocolate.

Mix and add the whipping cream. Rest refrigerated (4°C (39°F)) for about 6 hours. Whip in a stand.
Pink sauce
125g Couverture chocolate Opalys
125g Cocoa butter
70g White cocoa butter
6g Strawberry red cocoa butter

Make 8cm diameter rings.

Whip in a stand mixer and pipe onto the chocolate disks.
Pink chocolate
500g Couverture chocolate Opalys
40g White cocoa butter
2g Raspberry red cocoa butter

Use a spray gun to spray over the piped disks.
Pink chocolate rings, glaze pearls and silver leaf.