

Discover the Negative Ventilated display case : The Perfect alliance of technology and seductive gourmandise

In the captivating world of sweet delights, presentation is everything. Imagining a showcase that goes beyond the technical aspect to create desire, a showcase that transforms the purchase experience into a moment of delicious anticipation.

Preserve the freshness and tenderness of your desserts.

From creamy ice creams to the most exquisite frozen entremets, our display case is designed to perfectly preserve the freshness and texture of your frozen creations. From iced sticks to the most refined frozen treats, each product remains impeccably presented and irresistibly tempting.

For those who prefer traditional sweets, our showcase also offers the possibility of keeping your pastries at the ideal temperature, preserving their freshness and softness for authentic pleasure in every bite.

Our display case is equipped with an advanced demisting system, ensuring crystal-clear visibility of your creations thanks to a flow of warm, ventilated air.

Decor and customization for a unique touch

Illuminated by bright, dazzling LEDs, this showcase magnifies every creation, captivating the senses and elevating aesthetics to the highest level.

Make your showcase a true masterpiece by choosing from a range of customizable decor and finishing touches. Express your style and make your presentation as unique as your creations.