OCF, the AERO refrigerated display case – elegance and excellence

OCF’s AERO showcase is much more than just a display space; it’s a veritable showcase for your sweet creations. Its sophisticated, curved design transforms each product into a work of art, providing the perfect backdrop to capture your customers’ attention.

Spectacular presentation for your creations

Thanks to its elegant lines and modern aesthetics, AERO ensures that your delicacies are not only stylishly presented, but also eye-catching. Whether it’s an elaborate cake, refined pastries or hand-crafted sweets, every product is enhanced by the meticulous presentation offered by AERO. Your creations aren’t just on display, they’re magnified.

Creative flexibility and total customization.

The AERO display case gives you unrivalled freedom to create your own composition. You can play with lighting, decor and layout to reflect the very essence of your brand. The flexibility of this display case means you can showcase special collections, seasonal creations or surprise your customers with new products. Whether you want soft lighting for a warm ambience or bright accents to attract attention, AERO adapts to your needs and desires.


Chariot évacuation des déchets


L’évacuation des sacs-poubelle entre les lieux de remplissage (débarrassage, salle, cuisine…) et les